Agricultural History Society of Ireland (AHSI)
Autumn Symposium and AGM
Saturday 21st November 2015
Helen Roe Theatre, Royal Society of Antiquaries and Discovery Programme, 63 Merrion Sq., Dublin 2
Textiles and Fibres Through Time
10.00–11.45 Session 1
Welcome remarks: Michael O’Connell, Chairperson, AHSI
Independent and constructive lives: how in the past clever humans improved themselves by using the living materials around them. Elizabeth Heckett, UCC
Sheets to welcome you in and sheets to bury you in. Jean M. Walker
Sprang anyone? Presentation and introduction to the demonstration. Carol James, textile artist, Canada
Sheep to shawl: a brief introduction to the demonstration. Elizabeth O’Connor, Irish Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
The records of the Weaver’s Guild held by the Royal Society of Antiquaries: a brief introduction to the posters. Evie Monaghan, The Discovery Programme
11.45–12.25 Session 2 in the first floor rooms — Demonstrations and posters on the topics of Session 1.
12.25–13.15 Lunch (tea/coffee and sandwiches available if you have registered prior to the meeting; details at
13.15–13.45 AGM in Helen Roe Theatre
14.00–15.00 Session 3
Archaeobotanical evidence for textile production in historic Ireland.Meriel McClatchie, Independent Researcher
The acquisition of vegetal fibres for making textiles and ropes in the early Neolithic site of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain). Miriam de Diego and Su Romero Brugues, Department of Prehistoric Archaeology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
15.00–15.15 Tea and Coffee Break
15.15–16.45 Session 4
Bast fibres tradition and preservation of historical textiles in Romania. Clara Radulescu, National Research and Development Institute for Textile and Leather - INCDTP, Bucharest, Romania
A retrospective view of plant fibre material culture and prospects for future diagnostic potential. Denis Waudby, University of Bradford
Straw, hay and rushes in Irish folk tradition. Anne O’Dowd, formerly of the National Museum of Ireland
Open forum. Fiona Beglane, Symposium organiser
CARBERY, main sponsor and MAGEE, sponsor of this Symposium — gratefully acknowledged.
Abstracts and updates at and facebook.